This analysis is based on over 6500 songs of various types.
The default key is "C" major, but you can change to any other key.
The list below details the relative probability of a transition to
another chord, ranked highest to lowest.
For those who want to know, the model is an n-gram, currently three
levels deep. In other words, it evaluates probabilities starting with
the last chord, then the last two, then the last three.
Finally, probabilities are normalized. Note that these are not formal
probabilities; they are computed from the statistical occurrences of transitions
and normalized like probabilities.
You may manually type one or more chord names into the text box. If the name you
enter is not recognized, a question mark ('?') will be appended to it. Certain
common chord indicators are rewritten to match the internal naming conventions in use.
Note that no consideration is given to the musical similarity between chords such as G7 and G9.
These statistics reflect actual usage in songs.